A funny thing happened on the way to the apocalypse…
Monday, August 10, 2009 by the BCth
I’m not an end-times prophet. Let’s get that out of the way first. With that said, there are many good, intelligent, aware people out there who, based on any of a myriad of sources from the scientific to the intuitive, are sounding the alarm bells. More power to them, say I. Because it’s clear to me that we are going through a time of epic crisis in pretty much all areas of human life. I am halfway convinced (my favourite way of being convinced! … OK, it is a little bit more than halfway in this case ;) ) that we are quickly bearing down on a climax point of some kind, which will decide the fate of our species and many of us individually. I feel like I’m in a cosmic movie, where the drama just keeps amping up.
At the same time, however, I am sceptical of pretty much all prophecies and predictions. So many events have been trumpeted as being right around the corner, and then failed to manifest. Anticlimax after anticlimax has been the general rule. It’s interesting to speculate why this might be, especially since I do believe time is very malleable, that the present exists simultaneously with all past and future moments, and that those with a perspective beyond 3-D space-time (whether that’s achieved through technology, psychic abilities, or an inherent hyperdimensional nature) can easily view probable future timelines.
Project Camelot is an interesting mindfuck. (Excuse my language, in this case I use the term in a positive sense – call me Humpty Dumpty!) I follow the site and have listened to a good portion of their interviews. (Some of the information is of high quality, some of it rather questionable – always exercise discernment!) Their conclusion as to our current timeline is that there is simply no longer any telling what’s gonna happen next. “All bets are off.” In the past, the powers that be could use remote viewing to gain an advantage over the rest of us; now, that advantage is more or less gone. We’re all sailing through this fog in the same boat, so to speak.
This post by Engtovo presents the explanation that the Creator force itself is intervening, steering things on the macro scale, presumably because this period of time is so utterly sensitive and critical that no lesser force could be entrusted with the job. Now how’s that for epic? Jeebus. Fortunately for us, though, our free will remains undiminished. (Maybe the preservation of free will is one of the Creator’s very reasons for stepping in?) Each one of us is still totally responsible for his or her own personal destiny within this grand scheme of things.
This is a bit of a diversion, but I can’t go without mentioning Clif High’s latest ALTA report as an example of these end-times predictions. I respect the man for his integrity in not pushing his conclusions as being actual predictions. He presents himself as being his own work’s biggest critic, and goes to great lengths to warn people not to invest actual belief in his *ahem* pseudoscientific results. “For entertainment purposes only,” cautions the caveat. So, what does this harmless piece of entertainment say is likely coming down the pike? Ho boy, don’t even ask. Some hella scary shit. Pay him a lousy ten bucks and you can read the doom porn for yourself. Read it and weep.
But you know what? The world could have burned a hundred times over by this point. Look at all the near misses we’ve had, the dire prophecies of death and destruction that never came to pass. It’s a goddamn miracle that I’m sitting here in my comfy little apartment, writing this tripe. Do you believe in miracles? I do. I can’t not believe.
Now, I think it’s entirely possible that the majority of Earth humans will perish in the years to come. It’s entirely possible that we’ll be hit with not one or two, but a veritable cascade of cataclysmic events, boom-boom-boom-boom-boom. It’s also entirely possible that our future as humanity will be brighter than we could even imagine. That our children and grandchildren will live in a world that is as harmonious and joyful and pure as our world is chaotic, violent, and corrupted. I believe in the possibility of these things.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.
I don’t know what’s coming, or when. I don’t know if I’ll even survive the eschaton. I’d damn well like to, and something tells me I just might do it, but physical death doesn’t scare me either. Maybe I’m just full of the audacity of youth and a psychological illusion of immortality, but I know that the true 'I' will never die, only change and grow.
The universe is a glorious place, and whatever happens, I’m honoured to be a part of it. Love is infinite, and it really is the stuff we’re all ultimately made of. Pure energy. Can’t destroy that. Do with it what you will, but you can’t destroy it.
Here’s looking forward to the future. I say the more surprises it holds, the better. Bring it, Kosmos, baby, bring it!
At the same time, however, I am sceptical of pretty much all prophecies and predictions. So many events have been trumpeted as being right around the corner, and then failed to manifest. Anticlimax after anticlimax has been the general rule. It’s interesting to speculate why this might be, especially since I do believe time is very malleable, that the present exists simultaneously with all past and future moments, and that those with a perspective beyond 3-D space-time (whether that’s achieved through technology, psychic abilities, or an inherent hyperdimensional nature) can easily view probable future timelines.
Project Camelot is an interesting mindfuck. (Excuse my language, in this case I use the term in a positive sense – call me Humpty Dumpty!) I follow the site and have listened to a good portion of their interviews. (Some of the information is of high quality, some of it rather questionable – always exercise discernment!) Their conclusion as to our current timeline is that there is simply no longer any telling what’s gonna happen next. “All bets are off.” In the past, the powers that be could use remote viewing to gain an advantage over the rest of us; now, that advantage is more or less gone. We’re all sailing through this fog in the same boat, so to speak.
This post by Engtovo presents the explanation that the Creator force itself is intervening, steering things on the macro scale, presumably because this period of time is so utterly sensitive and critical that no lesser force could be entrusted with the job. Now how’s that for epic? Jeebus. Fortunately for us, though, our free will remains undiminished. (Maybe the preservation of free will is one of the Creator’s very reasons for stepping in?) Each one of us is still totally responsible for his or her own personal destiny within this grand scheme of things.
This is a bit of a diversion, but I can’t go without mentioning Clif High’s latest ALTA report as an example of these end-times predictions. I respect the man for his integrity in not pushing his conclusions as being actual predictions. He presents himself as being his own work’s biggest critic, and goes to great lengths to warn people not to invest actual belief in his *ahem* pseudoscientific results. “For entertainment purposes only,” cautions the caveat. So, what does this harmless piece of entertainment say is likely coming down the pike? Ho boy, don’t even ask. Some hella scary shit. Pay him a lousy ten bucks and you can read the doom porn for yourself. Read it and weep.
But you know what? The world could have burned a hundred times over by this point. Look at all the near misses we’ve had, the dire prophecies of death and destruction that never came to pass. It’s a goddamn miracle that I’m sitting here in my comfy little apartment, writing this tripe. Do you believe in miracles? I do. I can’t not believe.
Now, I think it’s entirely possible that the majority of Earth humans will perish in the years to come. It’s entirely possible that we’ll be hit with not one or two, but a veritable cascade of cataclysmic events, boom-boom-boom-boom-boom. It’s also entirely possible that our future as humanity will be brighter than we could even imagine. That our children and grandchildren will live in a world that is as harmonious and joyful and pure as our world is chaotic, violent, and corrupted. I believe in the possibility of these things.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.
I don’t know what’s coming, or when. I don’t know if I’ll even survive the eschaton. I’d damn well like to, and something tells me I just might do it, but physical death doesn’t scare me either. Maybe I’m just full of the audacity of youth and a psychological illusion of immortality, but I know that the true 'I' will never die, only change and grow.
The universe is a glorious place, and whatever happens, I’m honoured to be a part of it. Love is infinite, and it really is the stuff we’re all ultimately made of. Pure energy. Can’t destroy that. Do with it what you will, but you can’t destroy it.
Here’s looking forward to the future. I say the more surprises it holds, the better. Bring it, Kosmos, baby, bring it!