Christ on the Solar Throne
Monday, April 1, 2013 by the BCth
The message of Easter, streaming to us from Galactic Central Source Being via Les Visible: 2013/04/31-march-2013.html
"Because we are not ourselves capable of truly great love, we do not
comprehend how the divine can have such a love for us. We don't see
ourselves as we really are. This is a problem, because what we really
are is the same as that which we do not comprehend. If we are aspiring
to an enduring relationship with that force, then it stands to reason
that we will be put through everything that is necessary to make that
happen. Don't tell the Almighty you want to come into his presence
unless you're willing to let go of everything that stands in the way of
that. God plays for keeps.
Today we recognize -- those of us who are capable of it -- the triumph
of the light over all temporal darkness. The darkness put the vessel of
Light to death and the Light rose up from the dead, more powerful than
all the forces that resist it. Now whatever the truth might be about the
life of Jesus Christ, the reality of Jesus Christ, in terms of what he
represents, is real. However the same story, however it has been
portrayed and told, it has simply been done for the convenience of the
times in which it occurred, so as to be understandable to those meant to
witness and to hear about it.
Some of us are too smart for our
own good. We consider all these things fables, something that it is
beneath us to believe in. We're all rational and well-informed. We know
far too much for our own good, and a large portion of it is quite likely
not even true. God is real. I'm not sure about anything else, but I'm
sure of that.
If you persist in seeking God, you will find God.
That is a given. You can't concern yourself about how long it will
take, or what you might have to go through. It will be OK, and far, far
better than it would have been, had you gone another way.
Consider this simple exercise of logic: God possesses and owns
everything. God is greater in power than all other powers gathered
together. God not only owns everything, but can bestow any and all of
them on you at any time, and equip you to properly enjoy and appreciate
them. That's a biggie. The Divine can also determine what is best for
you, when it is best for you, and protect you from things you think you
want, but will be far, far better off without. This is one of the things
about samskaras and personal illusions..."
Direct audio link.
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