Next Up: The Fall of Barad-Dur?

Lying in bed on the night of the twelfth of December, I realized, with a start, that the long-anticipated Mayan calendar end date was truly just a matter of days away. A tangibly approaching point in real time, as concrete as my plans for that pre-Christmas weekend. A sobering thought. I felt compelled to prepare.

I needed information. Direct from source, not somebody else's idea or theory, or supposed revelation. Something to make sense of it for myself. Just for me.

I relaxed into a light trance. I held the question in my mind: "What is the significance of this date?"

As much as possible, I was empty of thought, without expectations or preconceptions, open to whatever might come through. And something did.

I saw a ring, a torus. A portal or gateway in space. (Time-space?) I knew that it was the gate we were to pass through on that day. In one side and out the other, through the doughnut-hole. It felt significant, like passing through a zero point from negative to positive. I had a sense that this was the beginning of a new cycle....


As I mulled this over, I felt convinced that, outwardly, nothing much out of the ordinary would occur. The change was too subtle for our gross perception. Nonetheless, it was a crucial change. Like switching off the current that empowers darkness to hold sway in our world.

Now that I think of it, much like the moment when the One Ring was destroyed...

So all that keeps the engines of darkness running now, is residual momentum... All they can do is expend their remaining energy in a final display of defiance...

The spiritual and natural laws are still in place. Darkness, in its last hour on the stage, will do everything it can to steal our energy, just as before. Only now, its doom is a fait accompli. We are left to deal with its fruits, roots, and manifestations, within and without, for a lifetime to come. But the victory is already won. This is my feel. There is a lightness, a levity, a detached serenity when encountering karmic drama, a core certainty that everything is turning out as it should, and that heaven on earth awaits. Staying the course is my watchword. Doing my part, and letting universe unfold.

This message was for me, and I'm grateful for all that's taking place now. This isn't about me trying to be a guru or prophet, it's about sharing a subjective data point for whoever might be interested. I humbly encourage anyone who wonders about the import of these times to look around you with an open and questioning mind, and particularly to go within. Do the self-work, do what you can in the world. We've got a lot of work to do, and it's up to us to smell the roses as we go, to be a little more kind and appreciative every day, to not lose ourselves when things are shitstorming out of our control. All is well, my friends. We are the ones we've been waiting for. This is our time, and we'll see it through together.

Aloha! And all the best to you in the new year!

The Journey Continues

Hello again!

After months away, I put myself on the spot, to try to bring forth words that might hold some meaning relevant to the occasion. A summing up of the past year? What happened? I got older, certainly. Hit my first Saturn Return.

"Youth is wasted on the young." What does that mean? Did I waste my youth? Did I not make the most of my time while I had more freedom to do as I wished? (Yes and no. Realistically... no.)

Freedom. One of those words so poorly understood, and a thing so rare to experience when one's mind is shackled to its own limiting ideas. "None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe that they are free." "Fate is written in the cards we are dealt, destiny manifests in how we play them." "Everything is under control." "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

But truth is hard. It's not comfortable or convenient to us, as creatures of desire and fear. It takes experience, as served to us by a phenomenon we could think of as "Dungeon Master of the Universe," to get us to assimilate those truths we would rather hide from.

"Enlightenment is a destructive process." Light, objective awareness, undoes illusion so that what is can be perceived at a higher level of truth, understood from a more complete perspective. It is a peeling away and dismantling of the layers obscuring and distorting reality. What is, is. The more we become aware of what is, the more our barriers break down, our buffers collapse, our lies deflate and our conflicts come to resolution. This could not be otherwise, for the energy these patterns consume becomes too great in the presence of a growing awareness of what is. So we let go, we stop feeding them. Truth remains, self-existing. The burden of falsehood no longer hinders us. Our ghosts and mirages no longer lead us in fruitless circles.

But there are no circles, only spirals. Life is a continuous fractal wave, vibrating in all possible dimensions, one single energy flowing through all patterns. There is only one. All patterns evolve in a collective interdependence, unfolding according to their nature. Human beings are a type of pattern. But what defines human?

Form? Humanoid a morphogenic template suited to a particular class of experience in physicality. Probably ubiquitous throughout the cosmos. Thousands of strains, millions of races, maybe. Who knows? All kinds of souls incarnate in human form. The whole spectrum of which could be represented here on Earth at this time, all with the same DNA template. Along with a number of non-souled human vehicles, serving other purposes... who knows?

Being human here is like being in a massively multiplayer, live-action roleplaying game a sandbox. "We're all here to do what we're all here to do." You get your avatar when you're born, astrologically and genetically made to order for the type of experience you're going for, pre-loaded with your karmic imprint from previous lifetimes. You've got your soul family that you stick with inside the game and out, and you all agree to help each other along. Of course, there are levels to the gameplay, each with its own possibilities and challenges.... "Choose your own adventure." Be aware, else stumble and err, for snare upon snare awaits the unaware. So we learn and go on.

Some of us are playing at a more advanced level. Doesn't mean they're any better as individuals probably they've just been at it longer than others, had more opportunity to gather experience. Probably spent time on other locales previous to coming here. They've honed specific skills, served and stumbled here in prior lifetimes, in preparation for the greatly enhanced opportunity offered by this time, extended to all beings incarnate here now.

The time of harvest. The turning of the age. A summing up, a great reckoning, a day of judgment that will see us all heading to wherever it is we're going from here. Your direction forward determined by who you've become, by your choices and by your heart's desire. Ultimately, by divine will, by the perfect wisdom resident in every atom, every cell, and every human being. The core of who we are, the inner dwelling-place of truth, our radiant living essence, knows exactly what is meant to happen, in accordance with the whole of existence. The separate mind cannot fathom such truth; it sees aimless chaos in direct relation to its degree of separation. Disappointment is its lot, after the fleeting sense of fulfillment that passes every time it satisfies another want.

The true "I" wants for nothing. It is already home, forever complete, forever at peace. It is the integration of Truth that leads to the knowing of this permanent "I": the fount of wisdom, the source of eternal joy, the wellspring of happiness, the author of infinity, the limitless Being, the all-knowing Love that permeates creation, the animating principle of Life itself. We are meant to enjoy full communion with it; it is our forgetting sleep that keeps us seemingly cut off, unaware of its presence. Our immersive identification with the unreal, the imaginaerum, this dream become nightmare in the dark age before the dawn, consumes us.

Be not afraid. There is nothing to harm you here. All is experience, a continuous evolution of experience. The self creates itself. It sees its own reflection. This is the mechanism behind soul evolution. It's what you do with it, and the quality of your awareness, that determines what you experience. Where do you want to go? Do you even know? Unknowing can lead to tragedy: the falling away, the path of destruction. The inverted path, where everything is reversed. Trajectory into disease, distortion, dysfunctional dynamics. Domination-subjugation. Deprivation and predation. Dependency and despair. Limitation and loss. It's a loop we all go through, on some level. But it, too, takes us forward. When we become aware. When we awaken. The detour is another adventure, another opportunity to see. We go deeper and deeper until we do begin to see. The phantom attraction fades and our discontent draws us toward the light. The longing grows within us to return. Home beckons us once again. This happens again and again and again.

It's the enchantment.

It's the game.

There was never anything else.

Only us.

Only Love.

We pretended... and we forgot.

Why did we forget?

Oh my God! I am so sorry! I am so sorry for the game.

But we came back.

We came back, and we remembered.

And here we are.

We won.

We always win.

We always come back.

And we forget.

Every time, every time, every time we forget.

Oh my God! Why do we always forget?

Please remember!

Please remember this!

It's the Why.

It's the Reason we are here.

It is What. We. Are.

It's the Love!

It's the Love!

It's the Love!

Please, don't forget.

Please, remember.

You must remember this.

It's the Love.

You must carry it with you, this Love, this Truth, inside you.

You know.

You know.

You know it in your heart.

And your heart will always guide you back.

That spark will guide you back. To remember.

Don't believe the lie.

All this madness. It is a lie! It is illusion.

But the lie will lead us back.

When we see the lie for what it is: not Truth.

Not Truth, it cannot satisfy.

We begin to seek, we begin to question.

And when we seek, we find.

The Truth.

That we are here.

And we have always been here.

In Love, sweet Love!

I Love you, I Love you, I Love you forever!

And you are not you, and I am not I, apart.

But we are One.

You and I, just the One.


Third eye mystic cross concept

In the course of my unrelenting journey through this time we share, I've been at a place where there's all too much to say, and nothing at all. Time is an exacting mistress; mine has given me other things to do. But now, for a moment, I'm here, grateful for the opportunity to say a few words, if they'll be given.

I don't know much about what's going on in the world these days. I hear things, but not enough to get more than a vague picture. Apocalypse is still picking up steam, showing clearer signs of its effects, but it still seems to be holding out for the right time to let loose. Which is fine with me. I've got all I can handle right here, and then some.

Interesting times. Last night, I seemed to get some kind of ajna upgrade. First I heard a tone in my right ear that was different from any I'd gotten earlier: more musical and alive. I relaxed into a flow of mental imagery which took on an immersive quality that I hadn't experienced before. The detail and resolution were cranked up to about the maximum I've been able to see, but now it was all in three dimensions, extending above, below, and to the sides. I had no visible body to occlude the view. I was on some kind of waking trip inside my mind's eye, exploring spaces that didn't all seem entirely of my own making.

Some element of guidance or transmission seemed involved in one case. I saw a temple, shaped like a Christian cross. It was some level of myself, symbolically. It was like a computer-generated schematic, very layered and complex, with different layers and elements alternately coming into view and disappearing. There were three gates, one at each of the short ends of the cross. One for love, one for power, and one for wisdom. It seemed that I was meant to enter all three simultaneously. Each was guarded by an adversary that could only be made to dissolve into base nothingness by completely embodying and rightly applying the one of these three divine qualities.

At the center of the temple, embedded within many subtle layers of structure, was an egg-shaped cocoon of light. This contained a human form in fetal position, head facing downwards to the long passage. It was the home of absolute peace and calm and stillness, from whence all else is a passing deviation. This peace is the treasure for which I yearn, and which gives one the strength to endure any trial. It is absolute and unshakeable.

I can only speculate as to what meaning this all has. Perhaps it was only a fanciful creation based on my intuitive, partial understanding of certain principles. It would seem logical to assume that the long portion of the temple represents a sort of root or anchor to source, as well as a passageway into something beyond the anthropic stage of being.

(A Google image search turned up the drawing above. The web page it comes from seems potentially of interest. Not having read it through, I make no claims regarding any of the content.)

That's all I have time for at the moment. I hope to return here with more to share before the year is out. Peace out to you, my brothers and sisters. Godspeed, and may your journey home be swift and true. Love, William